PHE Design services are available for a wide range of structures, including residential, office/IT buildings, high-rise towers, luxury hotels, hospitals, malls, and huge infrastructure projects.
We want to provide optimized design solutions that are cost-effective, simple to maintain, and have low operating costs.
Our designs are energy efficient and incorporate green efforts that are environmentally friendly.
To do so, we keep a constant eye out for emerging technology, as well as a complete database of all items and local construction practices.

PHE systems:
- Water Supply, Water Treatment, Pumping, Piping and Distribution
- Soil, Waste and Vent Piping
- Disposal of Sewage and Storm Water
- Effluent Sewage Treatment Plant
- Central Hot Water generation and distribution
- Water Softening and Treatment Plant
- Swimming pools and Decorative fountains
- Rain Water Harvesting & Recharge Pit
- LPG reticulated system
- Irrigation Systems
- Fuel yard and supply system